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ColorCards: Simple Sequences (Special Order)

      $ 65.95

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This deck contains 48 cards of 2-step and 3-step sequences of everyday activities. At a simpler level than Basic Sequences, this pack shows a range of familiar daily activities. The activities are easy to relate to and show frequently occurring activities within the experience of most users. Includes 12 two-step sequences showing: Cleaning teeth, Making jam tarts, Tidying the living room, Packing a school bag. Eight slightly more complex sequences illustrate doing a jigsaw, playing a computer game, decorating a cake, and riding a bike. The sequences are linear, one follows the other. Two-card sequences are easily paired as in eating a sandwich, clean your teeth, waking up, switching on a lamp.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Speechmark

ISBN: 9780863884757
Pages: 48
Weight: 0.526
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